75 Tasty Eastern European Recipes
Cooking a dish from another country expands your palate and may even improve your health. It also helps you understand your own culture better. It's so much easier to enjoy the wonderful flavors right in your own kitchen with the book "75 Tasty Eastern European Recipes" and ingredients from your local market!
Most recipes favor the use of local ingredients in their preparation, so the necessary ingredients can be found in any local market. The dishes will provide you with new and unforgettable flavor experiences. There isn't a single ingredient in this recipe that is difficult to find. The key concepts in this book are moderation, balance, and variety. Other recipes available include Dumpling Recipes, Cucumber Salad Recipe, Cabbage Roll Cookbook, Fried Rice Recipe, Baked Bean Recipes, Cabbage Soup Recipe, and Brioche Bread Cookbook.
View Details: amazon.com/dp/B08PX94NRK