A Silent Voice: The Movie
"A Silent Voice" is a heartrending anime film that delves into important themes such as bullying, redemption, and the power of connection. Adapted from Yoshitoki Ōima's manga of the same name, the movie tells the tale of Shōya Ishida, a young boy who cruelly bullies a deaf classmate named Shōko Nishimiya. However, years later, plagued by guilt and isolation, Shōya seeks redemption by attempting to reconnect with Shōko.
This anime explores the consequences of our actions and the possibility of redemption, reminding us of the far-reaching impacts of bullying and the importance of empathy. The film beautifully depicts the struggles faced by individuals with disabilities, shedding light on the challenges they encounter on a daily basis.
Directed by Naoko Yamada, "A Silent Voice" captivates its audience with its stunning animation, poignant storytelling, and unforgettable characters. With its powerful messages and emotional depth, this anime serves as a profound reminder of the significance of understanding, kindness, and the strength that comes from forgiving both ourselves and others.
- Author: Naoko Yamada
- Production company: Kyoto Animation
- Released: September 17, 2016
- Budget: $31.6 million
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5323662/