Ranking of Kings
"Ranking of Kings" is a renowned anime that has captured the hearts of viewers with its engaging storyline and stunning visuals. Set in a fantastical world, the show revolves around Bojji, a young prince who is deaf and considered weak by his father, the king. However, Bojji's determination to prove himself and his willingness to overcome obstacles make him an endearing protagonist.
The anime delicately explores themes of personal growth, friendship, and the pursuit of one's dreams. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own motivations and struggles. The animation is beautifully executed, blending vibrant colors with detailed backgrounds. The fight scenes are dynamic and entertaining, while the emotional moments are portrayed with sensitivity.
"Ranking of Kings" effectively combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and drama to create a compelling narrative that keeps the audience eager for more. With its thought-provoking themes and memorable characters, this anime is definitely worth a watch for fans of all genres.
- Author: Taku Kishimoto
- Studio: Wit Studio
- Original run: October 15, 2021 – March 25, 2022
- Episode: 23
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13409432/