Vinland Saga
"Vinland Saga" is an epic historical anime that delves into the ruthless world of Norse warriors and explores the concept of finding peace and a sense of purpose amidst chaos. Set in 11th-century Europe, the series follows Thorfinn, a young warrior seeking revenge against the man who killed his father. As the story progresses, Thorfinn becomes entangled in a power struggle between various factions and must confront the choices he has made in his pursuit of vengeance.
With stunning animation and intense battle scenes, "Vinland Saga" excels in portraying the brutality of warfare during the Viking Age. However, it also delves into deeper themes, such as the consequences of violence and the search for a peaceful existence. The complex characters and intricate storytelling make "Vinland Saga" a must-watch for anime enthusiasts seeking a unique blend of historical accuracy, action, and thought-provoking narratives.
- Author: Yukimura Makoto
- Production: Wit Studio, MAPPA
- Episode: 24
- Released: 7 July, 2019
- Watch here: