The Garden of Words
"The Garden of Words" is a captivating anime film that tells a heartwarming story about love, self-discovery, and human connections. Directed by Makoto Shinkai, renowned for his visually stunning works, this 46-minute masterpiece takes viewers on an emotional journey through the rainy streets of Tokyo.
The story revolves around Takao, a high school student with a passion for shoemaking, who finds solace in a tranquil garden whenever he skips his morning classes. There, he meets an enigmatic woman named Yukino, who seems to have her own secrets. As their paths cross during rainy days, they form a unique bond that allows them to open up and confront their respective challenges.
"The Garden of Words" is its breathtaking animation, characterized by detailed scenery and realistic visuals, particularly the raindrops and the garden itself. Shinkai beautifully captures the subdued emotions of the characters and explores their longing for connection in a world full of uncertainties
- Author: Makoto Shinkai
- Studio: CoMix Wave Films
- Released: April 28, 2013
- Runtime: 46 minutes
- Watch here: