Abduzeedo provides daily doses of design inspiration, helping you stay abreast of online design trends in the here and now. The team's expertise isn't limited to web design, so you can expand your own creative horizons as a result. There's no rule that says you can't take cues from a print ad's stunning visuals when designing your next website.
- They highlight the full breadth of design disciplines: Abduzeedo is useful for more than just finding ideas for web design. However, you can narrow your search by selecting a certain category, such as "tutorials," "typography," "3D," "editorial design," "illustration," or "photography," among others. And as any artist knows, having a wide range of sources to draw from can help you come up with novel solutions to old problems.
- A wide variety of formats: Abduzeedo's vast repertoire of artistic mediums serves to further diversify their source material and fuel their inventiveness. In addition to daily showcases, they also contribute creative content in the form of long-form pieces, wallpapers, and even (gasp) in-person events.
Website: https://abduzeedo.com/