The Great Discontent
Inspiration isn't always visible, and it isn't always project-specific. Instead, you could read a story that inspires you to achieve more in your profession and career, allowing you to pave your own way into uncharted territory through creative problem-solving. The interviews in The Great Discontent are perfect for sparking inspiration when you need it most. Dive through interviews with prominent creatives such as designers, art directors, illustrators, and more to find out what drives them and their professions.
- Intimate interviews with design industry leaders: Deliverables, workflows, tools, and best practises sometimes feel like they get a lot of attention in the design profession. All that is effective and necessary, but it can make us forget that there are real people behind the screens, each with a unique and often inspiring story of how they got where they are today. The Great Discontent provides an intimate look behind the scenes, wherein themes as abstract as the relationship between creativity and vulnerability, the significance of tales, and the challenge of learning to say "no" are discussed.