Agile Crash Course: Agile Project Management; Agile Delivery

Community, Badges, and a Double Degree are some things that you will receive two Certificates of Completion, an Agile Certified Digital Badge that you can add to your CV, LinkedIn profile, or any other online profile, and access to the world's most active Agile Community after finishing this course.

You can consider this training to be Agile for Dummies (or Agile for anyone and Agile for everyone). This Agile Development, Agile Project Delivery, and Agile Project Management udemy course will help you master the most important principles and techniques of Agile Development, Agile Project Delivery, and Agile Project Management.

This Agile Crash Course was created to help you become Agile the Agile way in just an hour! When you finish this course, you will be Agile certified (you will receive a certificate) and you will learn from an Agile Master, an excellent Project Manager, and the author of The Mini Book of Agile, which is available on Amazon.


  • An open mind and a willingness to learn.
  • No prep work or previous knowledge required.

Who this course is for:

  • People who want to learn about Agile.
  • Beginners, people without any Agile experience or knowledge.
  • People who have heard the words "user stories," "backlog," "retrospectives," "sprints," "scrum master," "product owner," "MVP," "swim lanes," "kanban board," etc. and wondered what it meant.
  • Developers, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, Data Base Administrators and pretty much anyone interested in learning Agile.
  • People who want to learn about the most important and popular Agile Methodology: SCRUM.
  • Udemy Instructors who want to launch courses faster, the Agile Way!

Subtitles: English [Auto], Dutch [Auto], French [Auto], German [Auto], Indonesian [Auto], Italian [Auto], Polish [Auto], Portuguese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
Udemy Rating: 4.4/5.0
Enroll here:

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