Agile Project Management: Agile, Scrum, Kanban & XP

Agile approaches are causing havoc in the software business. It's quickly becoming the preferred method for software development in situations where needs are uncertain or likely to vary over time. This course will show you how working on an Agile project benefits your development team, your end users, and your entire organization.

As one of the Online Course to Learn Agile Management, Agile Project Management: Agile, Scrum, Kanban & XP is designed for software engineers, project managers, software leadership, and anybody else who is interested in learning how to operate an Agile project and offer maximum value to clients as soon as possible. Through the use of practical examples, practice exercises, quizzes, and amusing facts, you will totally understand and enjoy this course.


  • No prerequisites or prior experience required

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who has a passing familiarity with Project Management
  • Anyone who is a Project Manager, a member of a project team, or a stakeholder on a Project
  • Someone who doesn’t have an experience with formal project management approaches but is looking for one now
  • Anyone who has just heard the term Agile and want to know more

Subtitles: English
Udemy Rating: 4.5/5.0
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