Agile PM 202 - Introduction to Agile Project Management

Agile PM 202 - Introduction to Agile Project Management is one of seven that make up a university-level program. This is the fourth course in the series, and it is recommended that you take them in order. Before enrolling in this course, please complete the prerequisites.

The notion of Agile Project Management is rapidly emerging and will have a substantial impact on the project management profession; yet, we are still in the early phases of that change, and there is a lot of ambiguity about how it will affect project managers. This course will help you clear up a lot of the confusion; develop a completely new perspective to see both Agile and traditional project management principles and practices as complementary rather than competitive; and learn to develop an adaptive project management approach to blend those principles and practices together in the right proportions to fit any situation.


  • Students should have some general familiarity with both traditional plan-driven project management and Agile methodologies.
  • Students should have taken the previous three courses in this series of seven courses prior to taking this course

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who is interested in developing a well-integrated Agile Project Management strategy for their organization to align an Agile development approach with the company's business
  • Project Managers who want to learn how Agile impacts the project management profession and want to develop a more adaptive approach to project management to enhance their project management skills and develop new opportunities for career growth

Udemy Rating: 4.5/5.0
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