Agile PM 401 - Advanced Agile Project Management

Agile PM 401 - Advanced Agile Project Management is one of seven that make up a university-level program. This is the sixth course in the series, and it is recommended that you take them in order. Before enrolling in this course, please complete the prerequisites.

This course will help you develop strong Agile leadership skills, gain a better knowledge of Agile team dynamics and performance, and learn how to use those abilities in a real-world Agile setting. This course is part of a larger curriculum aimed at helping students get the skills needed to work in a high-impact Agile Project Management capacity. The majority of students will want to take the entire program rather than individual courses.


  • All students should take the prior five courses in this series prior to taking this course

Who this course is for:

  • Senior-level Project and Program Managers who are interested in developing a Agile leadership and coaching skills in order to develop and lead high-performance Agile teams

Subtitles: English
Udemy Rating: 4.4/5.0
Enroll here:

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