Akame ga Kill!
Akame ga Kill! is an anime series with a dark and exciting story. The story follows Tatsumi, a young fighter from a countryside village who travels to the capital city for a better life. However, he quickly gets caught up in a rebellion against a corrupt and unfair Prime Minister's rule. Tatsumi joins a group of skilled assassins called the Night Raid, who secretly work to get rid of those responsible for causing suffering to the people.
The anime shows Tatsumi and the Night Raid members facing challenges as they take on dangerous missions and fight strong enemies. As the story goes on, tough decisions arise, and the characters must make choices that test their beliefs.
The Night Raid members have sad backgrounds and personal reasons for wanting justice. The anime is known for its intense action scenes and battles that show off the characters' fighting skills. The anime has a serious tone, with both the violence shown and the moral problems the characters deal with.
Akame ga Kill! is an anime that mixes action, drama, and profound ideas. It's a serious and exciting series that makes the characters and the viewers think about hard choices in a world where right and wrong can be confusing. Some people liked the anime, while others didn't as much.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Tomoki Kobayashi
- Released: July 7, 2014 – December 15, 2014
- Link to watch: https://www.hulu.com/series/akame-ga-kill-b6141bb5-8cd4-47dd-941c-711898814242
- IMDb Rating: 7.8/10