Black Cat
Black Cat anime is known for mixing action, adventure, and supernatural elements. The story is about Train Heartnet, a skilled assassin known as the "Black Cat" because he's fortunate and precise at killing targets. However, Train gets fed up with his life as a killer and decides to quit the secret group Chronos that he works for. He becomes a sweeper, like a bounty hunter, and tries to live a more regular life.
As Train goes on his journey, he meets Saya Minatsuki, a woman who inspires him to change. He also makes friends with other sweepers like Sven Vollfied and Eve, a girl who was created with unique abilities. The anime digs into Train's past, his struggle to stop being an assassin, and his fights against different enemies.
The Black Cat anime aired from 2005 to 2006 and has 23 episodes. It has lots of action scenes, from shootouts to close combat. Train is good at what he does, and the unique powers of other characters make the action exciting.
Black Cat is an anime that mixes action with characters changing and growing. It's about an assassin trying to become a better person and the friendships he builds. If you want an anime with incredible action, characters getting better, and themes of becoming a better person, "Black Cat" is something you should check out.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Shin Itagaki
- Released: October 6, 2005 – March 30, 2006
- Link to watch:
- IMDb Rating: 7/10