Darker Than Black
Darker than Black is an anime series in science fiction, action, and thriller. The story is set in a world where a mysterious event known as the "Hell's Gate" has appeared in Tokyo, altering the sky and granting individuals supernatural abilities. These individuals, referred to as "Contractors," possess unique powers but must perform corresponding acts known as "prices" after using their abilities.
The anime follows Hei as an enigmatic figure with a dual identity—the ruthless assassin "Black Reaper" and the seemingly harmless exchange student Li Shengshun. Alongside his partner Yin, he takes on various covert missions and assignments while navigating the complex landscape of Contractors, secret organizations, and government agencies.
The original Darker than Black anime consists of two seasons: "Darker than Black: The Black Contractor," which aired in 2007, and "Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor," which aired in 2009. The anime often follows an episodic structure, with each episode focusing on different characters, missions, and mysteries.
Darker than Black is praised for its intriguing plot, complex characters, and the way it blends supernatural elements with espionage and thriller elements. The anime's unique world-building and character development emphasize its appeal. If you're a fan of dark, mysterious, and thought-provoking anime, Darker than Black is worth considering.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Tensai Okamura
- Released: April 6, 2007 – September 29, 2007
- Link to watch: https://www.amazon.com/Darker-Than-Black/dp/B0718SWDVK
- IMDb Rating: 7.7/10