Assassination Classroom

Assassination Classroom is an anime adaptation of the manga series of the same name created by Yūsei Matsui. The story revolves around Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, a group of students assigned a unique and dangerous task. Their teacher, a powerful and seemingly invulnerable creature known as Koro-sensei, announces that he will destroy Earth within a year. However, he offers humanity a chance to save itself by allowing the students to attempt to assassinate him before the deadline.

Assassination Classroom
features a diverse cast of characters, each with their aspirations, struggles, and backstories. As the series progresses, the characters evolve and develop their skills, personalities, and relationships with one another. The anime explores friendship, self-improvement, and the transformation of value. It challenges traditional notions of success and failure, highlighting each student's strengths and potential.

The situation's absurdity, with students trying to kill their teacher, leads to numerous humorous moments. Behind the comedic and action-packed exterior, the anime delves into deeper emotional territory. The bonds between Koro-sensei and his students and the personal growth each student undergoes contribute to several touching and poignant moments throughout the series.

Assassination Classroom
anime has received positive feedback from viewers for its engaging plot, unique premise, well-developed characters, and balance between comedy, action, and emotion. It's an anime that delivers lighthearted entertainment and thought-provoking themes, making it a memorable and enjoyable watch.

Detailed information:

  • Directed by: Seiji Kishi
  • Released: January 9, 2015 – June 30, 2016
  • Link to watch:
  • IMDb Rating: 8/10
Screenshot of
Screenshot of
Video by Crunchyroll Store Australia

Top 10 Best Assassin Anime of All Time

  1. top 1 Hunter X Hunter
  2. top 2 Death Note
  3. top 3 Assassination Classroom
  4. top 4 Akame ga Kill!
  5. top 5 Darker Than Black
  6. top 6 Gunslinger Girl
  7. top 7 Noir
  8. top 8 Black Cat
  9. top 9 Code: Breaker
  10. top 10 Assassins Pride

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