An innovative Apple distribution and retail system

Steve Jobs was not just good at computers and programming, but he was also brilliant at handling the business side of things. He astounded us with his commercial savvy when he chose to open Apple retail locations in the early 2000s-An innovative Apple distribution and retail system.

Steve Jobs wished to avoid a situation in which Apple goods were predominantly marketed by people who were unfamiliar with the company's culture. As a result, he included the retailing aspect of Apple's company.

Apple Stores have been a huge success since they first appeared in 2001. Unlike purchasing an Apple product from a third-party seller, Apple Stores provided (and continue to provide) well-tailored services that expertly suited the demands of Apple devotees. This resulted in improved technical assistance and a more pleasant purchasing experience. It also enabled the buyer to explore the numerous items, which resulted in better purchasing selections. Apple reaped significant benefits from its retail outlets. Today, there are around 400 Apple Stores worldwide.

Jobs' original Apple retailing strategy has gone on to establish a highly distinct culture and user experience for current and future Apple product customers. It has gotten to the point where excited and obsessive Apple consumers line for days at the Apple Store before the release of a new Apple product.

Photo: Apple now using retail stores as distribution centers in North America
Photo: Apple now using retail stores as distribution centers in North America
Photo: Inside The First Apple Store
Photo: Inside The First Apple Store

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