Returned to Apple to make it a multi-billion dollar company

The "major contributions and achievements of Steve Jobs" list includes his return to Apple to make it a multi-billion dollar company. When Steve Jobs left Apple in the mid-1980s, the company's performance plummeted. Throughout the 1990s, Apple's stock price fell. Serious competition from Bill Gates' Microsoft was giving Apple's executives fits. The corporation struggled to maintain the excitement and profitability that it had produced in the 1970s and 1980s.

Apple purchased NeXT, a company where Jobs was working, in 1997. Within a few years, Apple had returned to exceptional profitability. With Jobs back at the leadership of Apple, the company's prospects improved. Apple's processes were simplified by Jobs' elimination of underperforming commercial ideas and products. He supplied high-level concentration, something the firm had been lacking for a long time. Jobs had effectively converted Apple's books from a negative profit to a net profit in less than a year. The rest, as they say, is history!

Apple is now one of the world's most valued firms. It has a market capitalization of almost $ 800 billion as of 2019. Apple's brand instills a sense of quality and dependability all across the world. And it was all because of Steve Jobs' vision and dedication.

Photo: Apple Company
Photo: Apple Company
Photo: Apple company
Photo: Apple company

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