
top 7
Nguyễn Lan Anh

As a holding company, Atlantia is active in the infrastructure and mobile network sectors. With more than 23,000 employees, Atlantia was established in 1950. The business now has operations in 24 countries, 9,400 km of highways, 5 airports, and more than 600 cities with Intelligent Transport Systems and Other digital to make life on the go better.

In order to make transportation safe, sustainable, simple, and intelligent, Atlantia invests in, manages, and chooses infrastructure and services that make use of the most recent technologies. The firm's mission is to build an integrated, low-carbon, and effective network that is totally focused on customer demands, a low-impact economy, as well as economic development, a just society, and inclusiveness, all of which are global concerns that have been incorporated into the organization.

Atlantia promotes the creation of transportation systems that are more environmentally friendly, secure, cutting-edge, and effective while also serving the requirements of the entire community. By actively investing in cutting-edge assets that can supply mobility services that make travel stand out and make daily living simpler, the company hopes to generate economic and social value for communities and regions.

Founded: 1950

Headquarters: Rome, Lazio, Italy.


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Top 10 Largest Companies in Italy

  1. top 1 Enel
  2. top 2 Ferrari
  3. top 3 ENI
  4. top 4 Intesa Sanpaolo
  5. top 5 UniCredit
  6. top 6 Generali
  7. top 7 Atlantia
  8. top 8 Snam
  9. top 9 Prada
  10. top 10 Terna

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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