Australia is another relatively new country on this list of the top leading diamond-producing countries. Australia began commercial diamond production in 1981 and soon rose through the ranks of the world's leading diamond producers. One of Western Australia's top mines is the new Argyle underground diamond mine. Annually, Australia produces 340,000 carats of diamonds.
Production in Australia has dropped dramatically in recent years due to the depletion of reserves and a lack of new discoveries to replace them. In Western Australia, Rio Tinto opened the new Argyle underground diamond mine in 2013. Since 1983, the Argyle open-pit mine has been a consistent producer of diamonds. In addition, it is also considered the world's biggest supplier of natural fancy-colored diamonds. Argyle's life should be extended until at least 2020 thanks to the underground mine.
Country: Australia
Diamond Production: 340,000 carats