
The Avant Browser has a similar user interface to older versions of Internet Explorer, which is not surprising given that it uses the same primary source code. Avant can be used as a standalone browser or as an add-on to Internet Explorer, providing IE users with updated tools and functions that Microsoft no longer supports.
This internet browser has session restore enabled by default, which means that your tabs and activities are saved each time you close the browser and will be available the next time you open it. It also updates itself automatically. Avant Browser performed admirably in our tests when it came to protecting against phishing schemes and malicious downloads. It isn't particularly fast, however, trailing several more popular options in both navigation and page loading times.
It's useful if you still need to use Internet Explorer to access secure apps that won't let you use another web browser.
- Compatibility: Windows
DOWNLOAD: http://www.avantbrowser.com/
- Useful as an add-on to Internet Explorer
- Slower than other browsers