Ava's Demon
"Ava's Demon" is a well-known webcomic created by Michelle Czajkowski. This captivating series tells the story of a young girl named Ava who is haunted by a demon that represents her inner struggles and insecurities. As the story unfolds, Ava and the demon must work together to confront their past and overcome the challenges that stand in their way.
"Ava's Demon" happens in the year 3031 AD, in a world where people can travel between planets and have really advanced medicine. Some of them have even gotten powers like gods using science. The webcomic beautifully combines elements of science fiction and fantasy, and it's known for its stunning and visually captivating artwork. The story is filled with complex characters and intricate relationships, and it delves into themes of identity, trauma, and personal growth.
The webcomic features animated sequences, music, and a web platform that allows readers to click on panels for additional information and animations, enhancing the storytelling experience. "Ava's Demon" celebrated for its emotional depth and the complexity of its characters. The webcomic has also been praised for its creative use of the digital medium to enhance the reader's immersion in the story.
Author and Illustrator: Michelle Czajkowski
Genre: Sci-fi, Fantasy
First Published: 21 October 2018
Chapters: 29 (as of 16 Nov 2022)
Status: Sporadic
Website: https://www.avasdemon.com/