Stand Still, Stay Silent
"Stand Still, Stay Silent" is a popular webcomic created by Minna Sundberg. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic world. It follows a group of adventurers from the Nordic countries as they explore what's left of the world after a terrible disease. The webcomic combines elements of fantasy, adventure, and Nordic mythology, creating a unique and immersive narrative that captivates readers.
Sundberg is a fan of maps and topography, and her comic uses a lot of pictures of coasts, mountains, and narrow sea inlets, as well as drawings like a family tree for languages. Sundberg's artwork beautifully captures the desolate yet mesmerizing landscapes of the post-apocalyptic world, enhancing the story's sense of wonder and exploration.
The webcomic talks a lot about teamwork, survival, and how people can stay strong even when things are tough. It makes readers feel for the characters and their hard times and victories. "Stand Still, Stay Silent" interesting storyline and well-developed characters making it even more famous and important in the online comic world. With its immersive storytelling and stunning visuals, "Stand Still, Stay Silent" continues to enchant audiences with its captivating tale of survival and hope in a post-apocalyptic world.
Author and Ilustrator: Minna Sundberg
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Post - Apocalyptic Fiction
First publish: 1 November 2013
Chapters: 40
Status: Completed