Gunnerkrigg Court
"Gunnerkrigg Court" is an engaging webcomic created by Tom Siddell. This exciting series follows the adventures of a young girl named Antimony Carver, who attends a peculiar boarding school called Gunnerkrigg Court. And the things that happen to her as she gets involved in politics between Gunnerkrigg Court and the people of Gillitie Wood, a forest near the school.
Throughout the story, Antimony encounters a variety of supernatural creatures and phenomena, leading her to unravel the mysteries surrounding the school and its mysterious past. The comic boasts a unique blend of science fiction and fantasy elements, captivating readers with its attractive plot twists and memorable characters. Siddell's expressive and colorful artwork complements the story, bringing the imaginative world of Gunnerkrigg Court to life.
What makes this webcomic special is how it talks about important things like friends, who we are, and how technology and magic can be similar, in a way that's easy for everyone to understand and enjoy. With its compelling storytelling and vibrant illustrations, "Gunnerkrigg Court" has garnered a loyal fanbase and still keeps people interested with its creative tale and lovely characters.
Author and Illustrator: Tom Siddell
Genre: Fantasy, Science - Fiction, Supernatural Mystery
First Published: 4 April 2005
Chapters: 91 (as of 25 Oct 2023)
Status: Ongoing (Updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)