"SubZero" is a popular webcomic created by Junepurrr. This romantic fantasy series follows the story of two characters, Clove and Kyro, from warring clans who must handle their complicated relationship while dealing with political issues and magical battles. The conflict between the two dragon clans is the backdrop for an "enemies-to-lovers" story between Princess Clove and Prince Kyro.
The comic features a captivating blend of romance and fantasy, drawing readers into a world filled with magic, intrigue, and complicated character dynamics. Junepurrr's expressive and detailed artwork beautifully captures the emotional depth of the characters, enhancing the immersive experience for readers.
"SubZero" stands out for its engaging storyline, which skillfully weaves together themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice, creating a attractive story that resonates with a diverse audience. The comic's emphasis on character development and complex world-building contributes to its widespread appeal, attracting readers with its interesting plot and well-crafted relationships.
With its compelling story and striking visuals, "SubZero" has amassed a dedicated fanbase and continues to captivate audiences with its enchanting tale of love and resilience in the face of adversity.
Author and Illustrator: Junepurrr
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
First Published: 21 October 2018
Chapters: 179 (as of 23 Oct 2023)
Status: Ongoing (Updates every Monday)