Birth Control Pills May Alter What You Find Attractive and Lead to Divorce
Most of us have probably experienced the feeling of not caring for someone as much as we once did. Feelings are known to alter throughout time. Imagine, though, if instead of your partner having a change of heart, they have just become less attracted to you. That is a possibility that has been related to birth control tablets.
The impact of birth control pills on a woman's brain chemistry was investigated by psychologist Sarah Hill. The medications have an impact on a woman's attraction as well as her mood and sex desire. Women tend to be more drawn to males who are less masculine and less interested in sex than usual when taking birth control pills. If the same woman stops using birth control, she can experience both an increase in her desire for sex and a decrease in her attraction to the man she is dating.
It's important to keep in mind that divorce often involves the reverse of what you might anticipate. Because they are generally satisfied with what their partners bring to the table, women who pick partners while on the pill are "substantially" less likely to divorce than those who teamed up without using the pill. This is typically tied to issues like financial security, so even though the women may not be all that attracted to their man or like having sex, they choose to remain together.