Disagreements Over the Effects of Radiation Have Led to “Atomic Divorce”
Any marriage will inevitably experience disagreements, and if they are severe enough, they may even be the immediate cause of a divorce. However, Japan's "Atomic Divorces" are being brought on by a very particular sort of conflict that is uncommon elsewhere in the globe.
A surge in divorces was observed a few years after the Fukushima tragedy in Japan as husbands and wives clashed over how to rear their family. This paralleled worries that many Japanese women had following World War II, when they were afraid to have children out of concern for how radiation would effect them. Modern worries are largely the same; Mothers wanted to make sure their families were as far away from dangerous radiation as they could be, while fathers relied on the government to assure them there was no reason for alarm at all.
Today's worries are largely the same. Sometimes the mothers would relocate the kids. A quick divorce resulted from the disagreement since it grew so intractable. There are details of some divorces taking place, though it is unknown how many of them there were as a result..