Black Clover
"Black Clover" is a renowned manga series written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. The story comes after Asta about a young boy born without any magical abilities in a world where everyone possesses some form of magic. Despite this, Asta dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the most powerful mage in his kingdom. Alongside his rival and best friend, Yuno, who possesses exceptional magical skills, Asta embarks on a journey to prove his worth and fulfill his dreams.
The manga explores Asta's arduous journey as he joins the Black Bulls, a group of misfit mages, and battles various adversaries to become a true mage despite his non-existent magical powers. With an engaging storyline, captivating battles, and a diverse range of characters, "Black Clover" combines elements of magic, adventure, and friendship to create an enthralling and action-packed narrative.
- Author(s): Yūki Tabata, Shueisha
- Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Drama, Sci-fi, Seinen, Slice of Life.
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 368
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