Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma
"Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma" is a manga series written by Yūto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. The story revolves around Soma Yukihira, a talented young chef with a passion for cooking. Soma dreams of surpassing his father's culinary skills and running his family's restaurant. However, his world is turned upside down when he is enrolled in Totsuki Culinary Academy, an elite institution that pushes its students to their limits.
Within the halls of Totsuki, Soma finds himself immersed in a cutthroat world of cooking competitions known as "shokugeki". These battles, where chefs challenge each other in high-stakes culinary duels, define the school's hierarchy and determine destiny. With his unwavering confidence and innovative cooking style, Soma sets out to prove his worth and rise to the top of Totsuki's highly competitive culinary world. Filled with intense food battles, mouthwatering recipes, and compelling characters, "Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma" offers a thrilling culinary adventure that will leave readers hungry for more.
- Author: Yūto Tsukuda
- Genres: Comedy, Cooking, Slice of life
- Status: Finished
- Volume: 36
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