Oshi No Ko
"Oshi no Ko" is a gripping manga series written and illustrated by Aka Akasaka, the creator of "Kaguya-sama: Love is War." The story revolves around Nagisa Kashiwagi, a talented idol who suddenly finds herself at the bottom of the popularity ladder.
Her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters the mysterious Kyunari Oda, an AI idol chatbot. Kyunari Oda offers Nagisa a chance at redemption by becoming her manager. Together, they embark on a journey to rise to the top of the entertainment industry, facing intense competition and scandals along the way.
With its intriguing blend of drama, comedy, and intricate character relationships, "Oshi no Ko" explores themes of identity, fame, and the power of artificial intelligence. It keeps readers hooked with its engrossing narrative and stunning artwork, making it a must-read for manga enthusiasts.
- Author: Aka Akasaka
- Genres: Drama, Mystery, Supernatural
- Status: Ongoing
- Volume: 12
- Read here: https://www.oshi-no-ko.online/