Spy x Family
"Spy × Family" is a captivating manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo. Set in a fictional Cold War-inspired world, the story revolves around a skilled spy named Twilight, who is given a mission to gather intelligence on a dangerous political leader. In order to maintain his cover, Twilight decides to create a fake family, leading him to adopt a young girl named Anya and marry a skilled assassin named Yor Briar.
However, unbeknownst to Twilight, Anya is actually a powerful telepath who can read minds, and Yor is facing her own secrets as well. As the manga progresses, the trio embarks on hilarious and action-packed adventures, all while trying to keep their true identities hidden from each other. "Spy × Family" is a delightful blend of humor, suspense, and heartfelt family dynamics that keeps readers eagerly turning each page.
- Author: Tatsuya Endo
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Spy Fiction
- Status: Ongoing
- Volumes: 11
- Read here: https://w10.spyxmanga.com/