Bleach is the story of Ichigo Kurosaki, a typical high school student, who encounters a life-altering event when his family falls prey to a Hollow, malevolent spirits that feed on human souls. The unexpected arrival of Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper, changes Ichigo's fate as she shields his family but is wounded in the process. Desperate to save his loved ones, Ichigo accepts Rukia's proposition to inherit her powers, inadvertently becoming a Soul Reaper himself.
However, as Rukia struggles to recover her abilities, Ichigo shoulders the responsibility of defending their town against the relentless Hollow attacks. Fortunately, he's not alone in this daunting task. Alongside him are his friends: Yasutora Sado, Orihime Inoue, and Uryuu Ishida, each possessing unique skills. As they adapt to their newfound roles and bond over their shared experiences, Ichigo discovers that the threat to the human world extends beyond the Hollows, unveiling more significant dangers lurking in the shadows.
"Bleach" is a compelling saga that balances supernatural battles with profound character development. It intertwines action with emotional resonance, inviting audiences into a world where courage, friendship, and the complexities of the human spirit drive a riveting and multifaceted narrative.
Release: 2004
MyAnimeList Score: 7.93/10