Bridal Veil Falls
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in Colorado is the magnificent Bridal Veil Falls. These falls, which are 365 feet high, draw tourists and adventurers from all over the world who want to walk, bike, drive a four-wheel vehicle, ice climb, and explore the nearby environment. On top of the falls is a privately owned old power plant.
A brief but challenging 1.8-mile journey through rocky terrain that reaches 1,200 feet in height will get you to Bridal Veil Falls. Drive east on Colorado Avenue through Telluride to reach the path. After passing the former Pandora Mill on your left, look for the dirt road with the words "County Road" on it. Bicyclists can also use the trail.
Bridal Veil Falls has two distinct features. Avalanches frequently occur in the area around Bridal Veil Falls, and viewers and photographers enjoy the practice of controlled shelling to produce controlled slides. Even for the seasoned family who lives there, climbing to the top of the falls can be dangerous.
Location: Telluride, Colorado