By The Grace Of The Gods
"By the Grace of the Gods," also known as "Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko" in Japanese, is penned by Roy and illustrated by Ririnra. The narrative revolves around Reme Takuma, a 39-year-old individual whose melancholic existence takes an unexpected turn when he is selected by three deities for reincarnation into a fantastical realm.
Endowed with a blend of his previous life's experiences and newly granted powers from these divine beings, Takuma embarks on a journey to assist others and cultivate a fulfilling existence in this alternate reality. The story delves into Takuma's pursuit of purpose and happiness as he leverages his accumulated wisdom to make a positive impact on the world around him.
Through the fusion of past knowledge and newfound abilities, the protagonist navigates the challenges of this fantasy world, offering readers a tale of redemption, self-discovery, and the transformative power of divine intervention in shaping one's destiny.
Author(s): Roy
Alternative title(s): Kamitachi Ni Hirowareta Otoko; The Man Picked up by the Gods
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 47
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