In the abrupt closure of the renowned online game "Yggdrasil," the player controlling the character Momonga is faced with an unexpected twist. Driven by a desire to prolong his time in the cherished virtual realm, Momonga, the leader of a prominent guild representing the darker aspects of the game, opts to remain logged in until the servers undergo a complete shutdown.
As the moment of server termination approaches, Momonga gathers his loyal followers in the guild's main hall, assuming a throne-like position to await the inevitable conclusion. To his astonishment, the server persists, and Momonga undergoes a transformation into a formidable skeletal wizard.
Adding to the surreal atmosphere, the non-player characters begin exhibiting human emotions. Struggling with a lack of familial ties, friendships, and a place in society, Momonga makes a pivotal decision: instead of seeking an exit from the game, he resolves to embrace the altered reality and strive to conquer this new world.
Author(s): Maruyama Kugane
Alternative title(s): N/a
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 78
Reading link: http://tinyurl.com/2y8kc3xc