California Scrub-jay

The Aphelocoma California, popularly known as the California Scrub-Jay, is a tiny bird from the Corvidae family which can be found in North America. This lovely bird's plumage is also blue in color. Its plumage includes white, black, brown, and grey colors in addition to blue. The head, rear of the neck, wings, and tail feathers are all blue in hue.
While the belly and in-ring parts around the neck are white, the outer side of this ring is black, with a few wing feathers and most of the tail feathers being black as well. In terms of color, weight, and size, females differ from men. In comparison to the males, female California Scrub-Jays are smaller, whiter, and weigh less. This distinct distinction makes it simple to distinguish between the two birds. The nonmigratory California scrub jay can be seen in urban settings, where it can become tame and attract bird feeders.