Mountain bluebird

The Mountain Bluebird, also known as the Sialia currucoides, is a small North American migratory thrush bird. The plumage of this bird has a lovely blue color. Its plumage, except for blue, is also white. Mountain bluebirds have blue heads, necks, backs, and wings, which fade into white as they get closer to the belly. Aside from that, the bird is completely blue. Males and females are about identical in size, but their colors differ; females have more blue tones in their plumage. The female mountain bluebird's plumage, on the other hand, is duller than the males'. Males have solely blue and white plumage, while females have dull green and a grey-blue blend of feather hues.
The mountain bluebird is one of the most beautiful species in the Western United States. When tree hollows are not available, they may nest in holes in cliffs or dirt banks, which is more open terrain than the other two bluebird species.