Indigo Bunting

The Indigo Bunting, also known as the "Passerina cyanea," is a small seed-eating bird common to North American forests, farmlands, and marshes. This bird appears to be totally blue in hue. Only a few feathers on their wings, eyes and a few feathers in their tail are black; the rest of the bird is blue. The Indigo bunting's head is indigo. The sizes and weights of the males and females are similar, however, the colors are different. The male and female indigo buntings have significantly distinct appearances, with the females having a brownish, black appearance rather than the classic blue appearance of the indigo bunting. The plumage of young indigo bunting birds is a rainbow of colors, including blue, indigo, black, green, and brown.
The female is the only one who builds the nest and incubates the eggs. During the summer, the indigo bunting eats mostly insects, while during the winter, it eats mostly seeds.