Eastern bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird, also known as the Sialia sialis, is one of the most beautiful bluebirds native to North America. This bird can be found in woodlands, marshes, and fields, but it can also be found in orchards and gardens in various locations. The upper section of the eastern bluebird's plumage is blue, which fades into white and brown. When compared to female Eastern Bluebirds, males have more colorful plumage. Males have more vibrant hues, whereas females have duller and paler colors. The male and female Eastern bluebirds are easy to see and identify. The bird's wings, head, neck, and back are blue, while its belly is white and the feathers beneath its wings are brown.
Insects and other invertebrates make up about two-thirds of an adult bluebird's diet. The rest is made up of berries or wild fruits. Grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, and beetles are among its favorite foods, but it will also consume earthworms, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, sowbugs, and snails.