Can Boost Energy and Improve Mental Focus

Yerba mate has 85 mg of caffeine per cup, which is more than a cup of tea but less than coffee. So it could give you more energy and help you feel less fatigued, just like any other caffeinated meal or drink. The amounts of several signaling molecules in your brain can also be affected by caffeine, making it particularly advantageous for your ability to concentrate.

In several human investigations, subjects who took a single dosage of caffeine of 37.5–450 mg showed better alertness, short-term memory, and response time. Additionally, yerba mate users frequently gush about how it boosts alertness like coffee – without the jittery negative effects. These testimonies have not yet been validated by science, though.

Can Boost Energy and Improve Mental Focus
Can Boost Energy and Improve Mental Focus
Can Boost Energy and Improve Mental Focus
Can Boost Energy and Improve Mental Focus

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