May Protect Against Infections

Yerba mate may aid in the prevention of bacterial, parasitic, and fungal illnesses. In a test-tube investigation, it was discovered that a high dose of yerba mate extract rendered E. coli, a bacterium that causes the stomach pains and diarrhea associated with food poisoning, inactive. Yerba mate's chemical constituents may also inhibit the development of Malassezia furfur, a fungus that causes dandruff, scaly skin, and specific types of skin rashes.

Last but not least, research points to chemicals in it that could offer some defense against intestinal parasites. However, the majority of these investigations used isolated cells. More study is required because it's unclear at this time if these advantages apply to people as well.

May Protect Against Infections
May Protect Against Infections
May Protect Against Infections
May Protect Against Infections

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