Can Help Fight Inflammation

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those present in krill oil, have been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory properties in the body. In fact, because it appears to be easier for the body to utilize, krill oil may be even more effective at combating inflammation than other marine omega-3 sources. Furthermore, krill oil includes astaxanthin, a pink-orange pigment with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A few research have been conducted to investigate the particular effects of krill oil on inflammation. When dangerous bacteria were given to human intestinal cells in a test tube, the synthesis of inflammation-causing chemicals was inhibited.

A study of 25 participants with slightly elevated blood fat levels discovered that consuming 1,000 mg of krill oil daily reduced an inflammatory marker even more efficiently than taking 2,000 mg of pure omega-3s daily. In addition, a study of 90 persons with chronic inflammation discovered that consuming 300 mg of krill oil daily reduced an inflammatory marker by up to 30% after one month. Although there has only been a little research on krill oil and inflammation, they have yielded potentially favorable outcomes.

Can Help Fight Inflammation
Can Help Fight Inflammation
Can Help Fight Inflammation
Can Help Fight Inflammation

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