Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain

Because krill oil appears to help reduce inflammation, it may also aid with arthritic symptoms and joint discomfort, which are frequently caused by inflammation. In fact, research that discovered krill oil dramatically lowered an inflammatory marker also discovered that krill oil reduced stiffness, functional impairment, and pain in individuals with rheumatoid or osteoarthritic arthritis. A second, modest but well-designed research of 50 people with minor knee pain showed that consuming krill oil for 30 days decreased discomfort when sleeping and standing. It also gave them more range of motion.

In addition, researchers investigated the effects of krill oil in arthritis-prone rats. The mice who consumed krill oil had lower arthritis scores, less edema, and fewer inflammatory cells in their joints. While further research is needed to back up these findings, krill oil looks to offer promising promise as a supplementary therapy for arthritis and joint pain.

Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain
Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain
Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain
Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain

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