Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health

Omega-3 fats, notably DHA and EPA, are thought to be heart-healthy. Fish oil has been found in studies to enhance blood lipid levels, and krill oil looks to be useful as well. According to research, it may be especially efficient at lowering triglycerides and other blood lipids. In one research, the effects of krill oil and pure omega-3s on cholesterol and triglyceride levels were studied. Only krill oil increased "good" high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). Even though the dosage was substantially smaller, it was more successful in decreasing an inflammatory marker. Pure omega-3s, on the other hand, was more successful in lowering triglycerides.

According to a recent assessment of seven trials, krill oil is effective at lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and may also improve "good" HDL cholesterol. Another research compared krill oil to olive oil and discovered that krill oil dramatically improved insulin resistance scores as well as blood vessel lining function. More long-term research is required to determine how krill oil influences the risk of heart disease. However, based on the data thus far, it appears to be beneficial in improving certain recognized risk factors.

Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health
Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health
Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health
Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health

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