Chamkhaleh beach

Many Iranians consider Chamkhaleh to be the best of Iran's beaches in northern Iran.
Chamkhaleh is located in the center of Langeroud city, and as you enter the coastal route, the gap between the water and the road is very narrow, giving the impression that you are driving at sea in some parts. Chamkhaleh, after Anzali, is the second most rich and touristy city in Gilan and has the most gorgeous beach in Iran's northwestern region.
The route to Chamkhaleh is as follows: take the Kenareh road from east to west, going via Chalous and Ramsar before entering Gilan province and heading towards Langeroud. Chamkhaleh is located 10 kilometers east of Langeroud. If you travel from the west to Chamkhaleh, after passing Rasht and Lahijan, it is only a 25-kilometer drive to the east to reach Chamkhaleh.
Location: Center of Langeroud city