Chivalry of a Failed Knight
"Chivalry of a Failed Knight" is an exhilarating anime series set in a world where magical abilities determine social status. The story revolves around Ikki Kurogane, a so-called "failed knight" who possesses low magical abilities compared to his peers. Despite the odds against him, Ikki's unwavering determination and impressive sword skills help him rise above his reputation and become a formidable warrior.
The anime beautifully blends action, romance, and comedy, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. The character development in "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" is exceptional, as the audience witnesses Ikki grow both as a fighter and as a person, proving that strength comes from within. Alongside the intense battles and magical duels, the series also explores themes of friendship and the value of hard work.
With its engaging storyline, well-choreographed fight sequences, and lovable characters, "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" offers a refreshing take on the fantasy genre. This anime is a thrilling and heartwarming journey that will leave viewers inspired and wanting more.
- Author: Shogo Yasukawa
- Original run: October 3, 2015 – December 19, 2015
- Genres: Action, Fantasy, Romance
- Watch here: