The Testament of Sister New Devil
"The Testament of Sister New Devil" is an anime series that falls under the genres of action, supernatural, and harem. The story around Basara Tojo, a high school student who suddenly becomes a part of a demon and hero family. He finds himself living with two step-sisters, Mio and Maria, who are both powerful demons. As Basara tries to protect his new family from various threats, he faces numerous challenges and battles that test his strength and loyalty.
With an enticing blend of action-packed fight sequences, captivating supernatural elements, and a touch of romance, "The Testament of Sister New Devil" offers an intriguing and intense viewing experience. The character development of Basara and his interactions with Mio and Maria add depth to the story, creating an engaging narrative. Overall, this anime series showcases an enticing mix of supernatural and harem elements, making it an enjoyable watch for fans looking for a thrilling and slightly steamy storyline.
- Author: Takao Yoshioka
- Genres: Action, Harem, Supernatural
- Original run: January 7, 2015 – March 25, 2015
- Watch here: