World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman
"World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman" is an anime series that combines action, romance, harem, and fantasy to create a unique and thrilling story. The anime follows the protagonist, Moroha Haimura, who discovers his extraordinary powers as a Holy Swordsman.
Moroha enrolls at Akane Academy, a school dedicated to training individuals with memories of their previous lives. Together with his classmates, Shizuno Urushibara and Satsuki Ranjou, they form a powerful trio known as the "Saviors." As the Saviors, they must fight against dangerous entities known as "Metaphysicals" and protect the academy from imminent threats.
With exceptional swordsmanship, magical abilities, and complex inter-character relationships, "World Break" creates a captivating narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. This anime showcases intense battles, deep character development, and a touch of romance, making it a must-watch for fans of action-packed fantasy series.
- Author: Hiroshi Yamaguchi
- Original run: January 11, 2015 – March 29, 2015
- Genres: Action, Fantasy, Harem
- Watch here: