In Another World with My Smartphone
"In Another World with My Smartphone" is a light novel series turned anime that follows the story of a young protagonist named Touya Mochizuki. After an untimely death, he is unexpectedly given a second chance at life in a fantasy world. But what sets this isekai anime apart from others is Touya's unique advantage - his smartphone! With his modern-day device fully functional in this new world, he gains incredible powers like instant communication, vast knowledge access, and even magic-enhancing apps.
The anime showcases Touya's adventures as he adapts to his new surroundings, meets various characters, and builds relationships. Filled with humor, engaging plotlines, and vibrant animation, "In Another World with My Smartphone" offers a light-hearted take on the isekai genre. It appeals to fans by blending fantasy elements with the modern convenience of technology, making for a delightful and enjoyable watch. So, grab your smartphone and join Touya on his extraordinary journey through a parallel universe!
- Authors: Natsuko Takahashi, Deko Akao
- Original run: July 11, 2017 – June 19, 2023
- Genres: Fantasy, Harem, Isekai
- Watch here: