Choosing the wrong size of the fryer
Air fryers are not exactly a cost-effective appliance. Given that the 4-quart cooker costs half as much as the 8-quart one, you might be thinking if you can get away with buying a smaller one. You can wind up regretting your purchase if you base your choice just on pricing. A 2-quart air fryer is only suited for someone who cooks for himself and perhaps one other person, assuming that you are both light eaters. You might be able to get away with a 3-quart cooker if you usually cook for yourself and one or two other people, but a 4-quart device will be much more adaptable.
Choose a 6-quart type if your household is made up of four people. You could require an extra-large model with a capacity of, say, 8 quarts if you have a big family or enjoy hosting dinner parties. Why worry if something is little too tiny if you can cook in batches? Sure, you can, but when you're on your fourth batch of fries and the first batch is already getting cold, you'll wish you hadn't. While using your air fryer may initially seem like a good way to save money, you'll probably decide that it's too much of a hassle, at which point you'd be better off not having spent any money at all.