Demon Slayer
"Kimetsu no Yaiba," also known as "Demon Slayer," is a popular manga written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge. Set in Taisho-era Japan, it tells the story of Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is brutally slaughtered by demons, and his sister, Nezuko, who is turned into a demon.
Driven by his determination to avenge his family and find a cure for Nezuko's condition, Tanjiro joins the Demon Slayer Corps, a group of skilled swordsmen who hunt down demons. Through intense training and relentless battles, Tanjiro and his companions embark on a dangerous journey to eliminate the demons and uncover the truth behind their existence.
"Kimetsu no Yaiba" captures the essence of bravery, loyalty, and sacrifice, while showcasing breathtaking artwork and intense action sequences. This manga has captivated readers around the world with its compelling storyline and memorable characters.
- Author: Koyoharu Gotouge
- Status: Ongoing
- Volume: 23
- Genres: Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Martial Arts
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